Back to school time, helpful routine tips for any mom!

As we walk the aisles in stores anyone can tell it’s back to school season.

For us stay at home moms, this is our favorite time of the year. Back to school Time brings routine back into my home after a summer full of ice cream, beach days, and late movie nights. 

Here are a few things I do to keep organized when it’s time to kick it in gear that may also help you!

1. Organize! I have a place for everything. As soon as the kids come in they know where to put shoes, hang back packs, and place papers for me to sign. This way nothing gets over looked by a big ole mess. Bc whether it be one kid or four kids messes are made fast!

2. Rules! We have a no tv till homework is done rule. I find this easier because there is no fighting they just know this is the way it is! Don’t give in moms you can do it!

3. Set clothes and shoes out the night before! My children every morning know right when they wake up their uniforms, shoes, and socks are all on the couch. They wake up and change! Makes less yelling in the morning to hurry up and pick an outfit. 

4. Easy breakfast! My children no longer eat breakfast at the house because our school offers free breakfast to every child. BUT when they did eat at home I found it easier to find easy breakfasts. We’re not perfect and sometimes we don’t have time for bacon and eggs. I set the breakfast out on the tabl the night before. Or prep it and heat it up for an easy morning.

5. Plan ahead! On Sunday night I gather Monday to Friday school clothes and in my laundry room have a shoe holder hanging that I set them in. This makes it easy for me to grab The next days clothes the night before to set out. 

6. Keep a routine. Our mornings are set in stone. they wake up, get dressed, put their stuff into their lunch boxes, brush teeth, come get their hair done, then go get shoes. When you have a set routine it’s harder for them to be distracted. But sometimes they still do, because they are kids 🙂

7. Early bedtimes! My kids go to bed every night at 8:30 they are woken every morning at 7am, and they are refreshed and ready for the day (this also makes for happier kids!)

I know I know, this is easier said than done, but adding a few of these tips into your life will help so much I promise! Let me know on Instagram how it’s going! @shanis_walter 

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