Fun & Easy Easter Treats

Holidays are always a blast when you have little hands that want to help! I have found the perfect treat for you to keep those kiddos busy this Easter!

My kids named this the Marshmellow bunny…. original right!? (Lol)

The ingredients are simple and to make them is even easier! Below are my step by step instructions.

What you need:

1 bag of marshmallows I used jumbo but I think normal size would have been better

Pastel m&ms

Larger jelly beans

Chocolate chips

Graham crackers



Prep all ingredients first by breaking graham crackers in half, cut marshmallows in half, cut jelly beans in half (long ways for the ears) and dump out some m&ms and chocolate chips, and break pretzels in half.

Once done lay cut marshmellow on graham Cracker (pictured above), and place in microwave till marshmellow starts to expand. Mine was around 7 seconds.

Take out, and put on eyes (chocolate chips), nose (m&ms), whiskers (broken pretzels), and the ears (jelly beans)

This is so easy for kids to put on and make their own!

Once assembled these easy treats are ready to enjoy!

So easy it’s…. Bananas

There is nothing I love more than banana bread, but add chocolate chips to it…. I’ve died and gone to heaven! 

I love adding homemade treats into my kids lunches, I think they secretly enjoy rubbing it in to all the other cold lunch kids.(sorry BES moms!) 

Below I have all the ingredients and instructions to these super easy banana bread muffins for you and your family to enjoy!

Cream together:

3 nice and browned bananas

8 tablespoons of butter

3/4 a cup of sugar

1 beaten egg

1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 

Slowly mix in:

1/2 teaspoon of salt

1 teaspoon of salt

1 1/2 cups of flour

Handful of chocolate chips

(Ingredients with make around 12 muffin size)

Mix all together with beaters to make sure bananas are fully mash

Add into a cupcake tin with liners (will make about 12)

Heat oven to 350 degrees and bake for 20/30 mins or until golden brown. 

Let cool over night and add to your kids lunches or use as a quick and easy breakfast as your kids run out the door!

** let your kids take turns mashing the bananas they can use a fork and take turns so it’s one less step for you!

This is such an easy recipe that the kids can jump in and help you as well! They are never too young to learn to cook, also helps them learn measurements, if they get the measuring cups for you! So many opportunities when you teach a child to cook! 

Take pictures of your banana bread and tag me in your Instagram picture @Shanis_walter

Enjoy everyone! ❤️

Back to school time, helpful routine tips for any mom!

As we walk the aisles in stores anyone can tell it’s back to school season.

For us stay at home moms, this is our favorite time of the year. Back to school Time brings routine back into my home after a summer full of ice cream, beach days, and late movie nights. 

Here are a few things I do to keep organized when it’s time to kick it in gear that may also help you!

1. Organize! I have a place for everything. As soon as the kids come in they know where to put shoes, hang back packs, and place papers for me to sign. This way nothing gets over looked by a big ole mess. Bc whether it be one kid or four kids messes are made fast!

2. Rules! We have a no tv till homework is done rule. I find this easier because there is no fighting they just know this is the way it is! Don’t give in moms you can do it!

3. Set clothes and shoes out the night before! My children every morning know right when they wake up their uniforms, shoes, and socks are all on the couch. They wake up and change! Makes less yelling in the morning to hurry up and pick an outfit. 

4. Easy breakfast! My children no longer eat breakfast at the house because our school offers free breakfast to every child. BUT when they did eat at home I found it easier to find easy breakfasts. We’re not perfect and sometimes we don’t have time for bacon and eggs. I set the breakfast out on the tabl the night before. Or prep it and heat it up for an easy morning.

5. Plan ahead! On Sunday night I gather Monday to Friday school clothes and in my laundry room have a shoe holder hanging that I set them in. This makes it easy for me to grab The next days clothes the night before to set out. 

6. Keep a routine. Our mornings are set in stone. they wake up, get dressed, put their stuff into their lunch boxes, brush teeth, come get their hair done, then go get shoes. When you have a set routine it’s harder for them to be distracted. But sometimes they still do, because they are kids 🙂

7. Early bedtimes! My kids go to bed every night at 8:30 they are woken every morning at 7am, and they are refreshed and ready for the day (this also makes for happier kids!)

I know I know, this is easier said than done, but adding a few of these tips into your life will help so much I promise! Let me know on Instagram how it’s going! @shanis_walter 

Things I have learned by being a bridesmaid. 

Well I am getting to that age where all my friends are getting married, and I love it! Along with this comes the duties of being a maid of honor or bridesmaid. The past year I have had the pleasure of standing next to some of the best friends a girl could ask for, as I watched them marry the man of their dreams (it’s the least I could do since they did the same for me) 

This past May I was a bridesmaid for one of my longest and dearest friends. Our friendship began back in our high school days when I thought she was trying to steal my boyfriend. We weirdly became the best of friends and our mothers worst nightmares. The stories I could tell you. Lol but I won’t because even though I am 28 I’m scared our mothers will read this. 

Emily and I would sit up late at night, talk about when we would get married, how our children would be just like us, and our husband would become friends. Not for very many people things like this come true. But for us it did. 

Stroll down memory lane.

Senior year homecoming 04-05  
Senior homecoming (I was homecoming queen)  

Watching the boys play baseball (something Emily did very well 😉)   

Even with many states in between us nothing from our friendship ever left. When I felt like my world was falling apart Emily was a phone call away to cheer me up. She supported me and encouraged me. And still to this day does it with just as much love as she did when our friendship began 13 years ago. 

About Two years ago I remember getting the phone call when she got engaged and asking me to be apart of her day. (No she wasn’t in my wedding party only due to life’s craziness she was there in spirit and that’s all that matters) of course I said yes and let her know whatever it took I would be there. Emily and I practically share the same anniversary date  (one day apart). Her and Roy eloped and held the ceremony exactly one year later. Here is the story of her wedding and what I learned being in it.

1.After not seeing each other for years we pick up as if we were still in high school. Laughing and giggling all night. When I saw the picture below I like to think this is Roy’s face after being with us for more than 24 hours.  
2. Getting ready on a wedding day is SOOOO much easier when you’re not the bride!    


3. I’m not as good in heels as I thought I was…. Exsp after a few glasses of wine. One thing I did learn about walking in heels in soft grass, is to walk on your tip toes so you don’t sink. And when you have to stand for a long time, sink your heels into the dirt and it’s like you’re wearing flats! Winning!    

4. I’m a baby. I cried, I’ll admit it. I cried like a baby. When you watch someone you love so much get married, it’s such an amazing feeling. Seeing my husband sitting there with our four beautiful children, and Emily’s parents who are my second family makes you feel all lovey and mushy! So you guessed it I cried. Luckily I didn’t see any photos of my ugly cry! I also learned that I should never trust Christopher to do the girls hair. Note Shea’s awesome pony tail… But hey I give him credit!   


5. I’m jumpy. Even when they warn you about  the cannon being fired at their kiss, I still jumped and covered my head. I blame that on visiting and living near Chicago growing up.   

 6. I’m the luckiest person when it comes to friends. Emily and Roy’s wedding took place the day before mine and Chris’s one year anniversary. Emily being Emily felt awful for some reason, But honestly what better way to celebrate your marriage, by watching two people do the same! Hearing vows again reminds you of that promise you made a year ago. Emily surprised me with having Chris and I called out to the dance floor and had our wedding song (Jason Maraz I won’t give up) played. She’s always so thoughtful and I love her for this. 


7. I should not be allowed to be in the same building as an open bar. Thank god my husband had Tylenol and lots of water waiting for me in the hotel room or the 7 hour drive home would have been rough.  

8. I picked the perfect god mother for Shealyn. Watching her dance with Emily I realized shea 1. is a mini shanis and Emily combined and two Shea has our sick dance moves!    

9. Last but not least after 13 years Emily and I will always be the last ones off the dance floor. Glad to see this didn’t change. How I was dancing still has me wondering. I also learned that my husband has embraced the fact that I’m wild and a good time. Even though I can be pretty embarrassing he loves me just the same.

Everything about her wedding was perfect. I’m looking forward to all the weddings coming up where I get to stand next to the people I love and celebrate! Cheers to getting old! 

 I had to share the last picture because it’s my favorite and I may get it framed.