So easy it’s…. Bananas

There is nothing I love more than banana bread, but add chocolate chips to it…. I’ve died and gone to heaven! 

I love adding homemade treats into my kids lunches, I think they secretly enjoy rubbing it in to all the other cold lunch kids.(sorry BES moms!) 

Below I have all the ingredients and instructions to these super easy banana bread muffins for you and your family to enjoy!

Cream together:

3 nice and browned bananas

8 tablespoons of butter

3/4 a cup of sugar

1 beaten egg

1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 

Slowly mix in:

1/2 teaspoon of salt

1 teaspoon of salt

1 1/2 cups of flour

Handful of chocolate chips

(Ingredients with make around 12 muffin size)

Mix all together with beaters to make sure bananas are fully mash

Add into a cupcake tin with liners (will make about 12)

Heat oven to 350 degrees and bake for 20/30 mins or until golden brown. 

Let cool over night and add to your kids lunches or use as a quick and easy breakfast as your kids run out the door!

** let your kids take turns mashing the bananas they can use a fork and take turns so it’s one less step for you!

This is such an easy recipe that the kids can jump in and help you as well! They are never too young to learn to cook, also helps them learn measurements, if they get the measuring cups for you! So many opportunities when you teach a child to cook! 

Take pictures of your banana bread and tag me in your Instagram picture @Shanis_walter

Enjoy everyone! ❤️

It’s the little things

One thing I love about being a mom, is showing my kids how absolutely special they are to me!

I know eventually they will grow older and will ask me to stop these things, but for now they love it and hopefully will always remember these cute sometimes embarrassing things I did for them!

One thing they always look forward to is my lunch box notes! I leave them little messages in different spots for them to find at their lunch. Tonight I left their message on their sand which bags, sometimes I’ll write it on their juice bags, on the Handel of their throw away spoons, or on the bottom of their pudding packs! For some reason they think this is hilarious! I’m waiting for the day they ask me to stop…. And will I? Probably not!


There are other things I do to make their day, but this is by far one of their favorites! I absolutely love these moments, and maybe one day they’ll do the same for their kids.

I’m THAT mom!

Last night I was scrolling through my blog feed reading different blogs for ideas of what I wanted to write about.

I came across a blog bashing mothers who parent differently. These women went on and on just ripping this poor mother to shreds because she made organic pancakes, didn’t let her child watch TV, and other numerous things that they found to be “stupid”. It took me everything to not comment. I kept my mouth shut and began to think, so now here I am blogging about it!

I realized how many mothers do this. About three to four years ago I fell victim to this, mothers who didn’t know me sat and bashed me. They assumed because I had four children I was on food stamps (which I wasn’t) they assumed I had state insurance (which my kids didn’t… thank you to the military), and because I was divorced. they assumed having this many children I COULD NOT possibly be as good of a mom as them. Most of them not knowing me, formed a little click to bash me and spread awful not true rumors about me. Honestly this didn’t bother me at all, I realized I do it better than them with three more kids and they hated that!

So what if we’re that mom that makes homemade dinners for our families.

has a very clean house (don’t get me wrong I have my messy days where I say I’ll do it tomorrow)

that monitors the amount of sugar they eat.

a full time working mom or a stay at home mom

Everything we do is Pinterest inspired

We post 1,001 photos of our kids daily

And if we read to our kids every night

But the one thing I think you’ll hate the most about us is this… Although We are all these things above (and more) We are not the mom that judges you for not being just like us!

So what if some of us moms do all these things? We do them because it makes us feel good! So why do these moms care?

The things all of us moms have in common, that is way too often overlooked….

We all love our children very much!

We all protect our children, no matter what the cost!

We do our best everyday!

Although our best may not look the same, it is still our best!

Next time you sit around and bash a mother for trying to do her best, just remember she may not agree with your best but she not the one wasting her time worrying about it. She’s sitting at the table playing with her greatest accomplishment not wasting a second of her time. We all make mistakes but we all need each other to encourage each other that were doing just fine!


Tacos and Toddlers…. is a mothers nightmare!

I love doing taco night at our house especially on those days that were busy, and you need to whip something together quick. As much as I love it, I hate it as well. Every time we have this dinner no matter what I try to do, they get taco meat, cheese, and lettuce is EVERYWHERE!

Tonight my husband of course wanted tacos so I went to the store and picked up everything we needed, but a lightbulb came on in my head while at the store. Instead of normal tacos, so I won’t find myself cleaning up taco meat off the floors all night I decided to try this a different way; and wouldn’t you know it worked and it worked good!

Now this isn’t great for everyone, because the main thing you need is a quesadilla maker. You can find these at target and walmart for around $20.00! (You can do so much with these I suggest everyone go and get one!)


We got one for Christmas two years ago from my sister, and never used it till recently when my mom visited! So this idea was still fresh in my mind! What I did was make my ground beef like normal (chicken and steak would work as well) heat up the quesadilla maker, on one side of the tortilla shell I added: refried beans, cheese, and my meat. I laid another tortilla shell down and closed the quesadilla maker. I cooked till the shell was golden brown pulled it out. I set aside and cut it on the creases formed by the quesadilla maker. This made smaller pizza like shaped with all of the insides sealed tight and easy for little hands to eat! I added their tomatoes, sour cream, and other fixings on the side of their plate to build each bite just how they like it!


When clean up time came, not one thing of taco meat fell to the floor! So I’m giving this easy trick two thumbs up and my kids loved it just as much as I did!

Taco night may happen more often in the Walter home!

Follow me on my personal Instagram for more ideas and blog updates! @shaniswalter

I love these four crazy little humans!

Last night my husband and I got to have a little alone mommy and daddy time for NYE. my husband booked us a lake view hotel suite in downtown Orlando. He booked this beautiful and romantic candle lit dinner next to the lake, and we celebrated at a place called Wall Street. Get aways are always great and definitely needed from time to time, but at adult only parties I can’t help but think of them. Do they miss me? Are they having fun? I wonder what they are doing? Even though I know they are with my mother having a great time (probably not missing me an ounce bc I mean come on their with THEIR GRANDMA!) I can’t help but miss them so much!

We are new to the area (Palm coast Florida) and I haven’t made any mommy friends yet (we’ve been here a few weeks two of which my mother has been here). But last night when we made friends I found myself talking about these amazing four kids. I went on and on talking about how loving, caring, smart, and funny they were. Showing pictures of their cuteness as everyone was in shock I had four children (it makes me laugh seeing people’s faces when I say that because I do look like I’m 20) I found myself missing them so much. I wanted to cuddle them and love on them and let them know how much I love them. Luckily I texted my mom and she sent me a picture of them having a blast with a text saying “leave us alone were having fun!”

The thing is…. I find that I do this everywhere!! I’m not saying getting away is bad but to an outsider it’s not what it seems to be. These aren’t the moments we live for anymore, they are the moments that keep us living (and sane)!

I hate going to the grocery store; without at least one or two of them. I enjoy letting them help or having them close pushing the cart. Running errands they gladly hop in the car, and I enjoy hearing them sing in the back seat. They are more than my children but my best friends as well.

I’m sure this is all a parent of motherhood, but I couldn’t sleep tonight and found myself thinking about how more and more I love them as each day passes. They can fight, and bicker but I’d rather that than silence any day. I love this beautiful crazy life and the amazing people I have in it.

Happy new years everyone I hope 2015 brings everyone as much love as 2014 brought to me!

Bringing in the New Year!

2014 was by far the best year anyone could have!

I have amazing kids
Married my best friend
Surrounded myself with true friendships
My husband landed a huge promotion
Found the perfect and most beautiful home
Moved to Florida
And so many more I don’t have time to list!

As for 2015 so many thing in our lives are going to change for both of us and as a family. We will be changing our lives for the better!

To start off with goals is the most important our savings! We both read the Dave Ramsey’s books, our favorite is the total money make over. Our plan is to have zero debt (which we have barely any besides for Chris’s student loans) but thanks to the army have been reduced greatly! With that being said we would like to have 20,000+ in our savings by Christmas to buy our first home! After our home we will begin a savings to go towards college for our children.

Another goal is removing toxic people from our lives. I’m sick of the back stabbing, the two faced, liars. I don’t bad mouth anyone that is a true and caring person. I’m sick of my photos being screen shot or the shit talking that gets back to me. I don’t let it bother me because I know I have more than most. I have a husband who married me bc he wanted too bc we love each other not bc he felt he HAD too. I have very well behaved children, and we make great money. I get people talk shit because of jealously and them trying to keep up with the jones. Well I’m over it! I truly am! No more being nice to people who don’t deserve it. I will begin to speak my mind and not let anyone ever be little me exsp certain people. I feel bad for them but I know their karma is building up and someday their world that they pretend to have will come crumbling down. So simply said peace out haters!

Third goal is to finish my school I have one more year for my bachelors and then will continue on to my master.

Fourth goal is becoming a better teacher! Now that I’m a stay at home mom it’s my job to teach Leighton all she needs to know to be ready for kindergarten, I wanna be more creative more hands on (if that’s possible) and help them learn new and exciting things!

All around I want to better myself, better my children, and better the things we do for others! I can’t wait to see what surprises this year has in store for us 😉 stay tuned bloggers you never know what surprises this family may have!

Hope you all have a safe and happy new year and may 2015 bring you many blessings!