Fun & Easy Easter Treats

Holidays are always a blast when you have little hands that want to help! I have found the perfect treat for you to keep those kiddos busy this Easter!

My kids named this the Marshmellow bunny…. original right!? (Lol)

The ingredients are simple and to make them is even easier! Below are my step by step instructions.

What you need:

1 bag of marshmallows I used jumbo but I think normal size would have been better

Pastel m&ms

Larger jelly beans

Chocolate chips

Graham crackers



Prep all ingredients first by breaking graham crackers in half, cut marshmallows in half, cut jelly beans in half (long ways for the ears) and dump out some m&ms and chocolate chips, and break pretzels in half.

Once done lay cut marshmellow on graham Cracker (pictured above), and place in microwave till marshmellow starts to expand. Mine was around 7 seconds.

Take out, and put on eyes (chocolate chips), nose (m&ms), whiskers (broken pretzels), and the ears (jelly beans)

This is so easy for kids to put on and make their own!

Once assembled these easy treats are ready to enjoy!

Snap and shop tray review … easy as 123 and making shopping a breeze! 

As moms grocery shopping or shopping in general can be a nightmare, if you have a HANGRY toddler. I teamed up with Snap and shop tray to show you moms a simple way to make it enjoyable, and a toddler happy! 

Snap and shop tray is a tray with a convenient lid that stores snacks and easily fits onto any shopping cart handle (yes even those huge target ones too!) making it convenient for toddlers to munch on their favorite snacks without dropping the entire container. Anything to avoid that disaster is a win in my book! 

Instantly when you open the packaging, attached to the front of the lid is easy to follow instructions. (See photo above) so easy even dads can do it 😉

We took our snap and shop tray to the store with us today to try out, I even put it on the cart with one hand while I held a four year old on my hip. (Like I said very easy!) we instantly got so many questions from employees, and other moms. They all were amazed with how easy it was to use!

The tray stayed on the cart securely and didn’t budge. Once we were done shopping I popped the lid on and snapped the tray off also with one hand. 

Snap and shop tray is dish water safe and was easy to wipe up for the next use. Also I love that it comes in three colors pink,blue, and aqua (which is what I have) and the best part mamas, it’s only 14.99! Such a great price for a great quality product!

If you had to ask me I would give this product 5 stars! This is a must buy product with great customer service! 

Tag me @shanis_walter on Instagram in your picture using your Snap and shop tray can’t wait to hear how much you love your trays! 

So easy it’s…. Bananas

There is nothing I love more than banana bread, but add chocolate chips to it…. I’ve died and gone to heaven! 

I love adding homemade treats into my kids lunches, I think they secretly enjoy rubbing it in to all the other cold lunch kids.(sorry BES moms!) 

Below I have all the ingredients and instructions to these super easy banana bread muffins for you and your family to enjoy!

Cream together:

3 nice and browned bananas

8 tablespoons of butter

3/4 a cup of sugar

1 beaten egg

1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 

Slowly mix in:

1/2 teaspoon of salt

1 teaspoon of salt

1 1/2 cups of flour

Handful of chocolate chips

(Ingredients with make around 12 muffin size)

Mix all together with beaters to make sure bananas are fully mash

Add into a cupcake tin with liners (will make about 12)

Heat oven to 350 degrees and bake for 20/30 mins or until golden brown. 

Let cool over night and add to your kids lunches or use as a quick and easy breakfast as your kids run out the door!

** let your kids take turns mashing the bananas they can use a fork and take turns so it’s one less step for you!

This is such an easy recipe that the kids can jump in and help you as well! They are never too young to learn to cook, also helps them learn measurements, if they get the measuring cups for you! So many opportunities when you teach a child to cook! 

Take pictures of your banana bread and tag me in your Instagram picture @Shanis_walter

Enjoy everyone! ❤️

Back to school time, helpful routine tips for any mom!

As we walk the aisles in stores anyone can tell it’s back to school season.

For us stay at home moms, this is our favorite time of the year. Back to school Time brings routine back into my home after a summer full of ice cream, beach days, and late movie nights. 

Here are a few things I do to keep organized when it’s time to kick it in gear that may also help you!

1. Organize! I have a place for everything. As soon as the kids come in they know where to put shoes, hang back packs, and place papers for me to sign. This way nothing gets over looked by a big ole mess. Bc whether it be one kid or four kids messes are made fast!

2. Rules! We have a no tv till homework is done rule. I find this easier because there is no fighting they just know this is the way it is! Don’t give in moms you can do it!

3. Set clothes and shoes out the night before! My children every morning know right when they wake up their uniforms, shoes, and socks are all on the couch. They wake up and change! Makes less yelling in the morning to hurry up and pick an outfit. 

4. Easy breakfast! My children no longer eat breakfast at the house because our school offers free breakfast to every child. BUT when they did eat at home I found it easier to find easy breakfasts. We’re not perfect and sometimes we don’t have time for bacon and eggs. I set the breakfast out on the tabl the night before. Or prep it and heat it up for an easy morning.

5. Plan ahead! On Sunday night I gather Monday to Friday school clothes and in my laundry room have a shoe holder hanging that I set them in. This makes it easy for me to grab The next days clothes the night before to set out. 

6. Keep a routine. Our mornings are set in stone. they wake up, get dressed, put their stuff into their lunch boxes, brush teeth, come get their hair done, then go get shoes. When you have a set routine it’s harder for them to be distracted. But sometimes they still do, because they are kids 🙂

7. Early bedtimes! My kids go to bed every night at 8:30 they are woken every morning at 7am, and they are refreshed and ready for the day (this also makes for happier kids!)

I know I know, this is easier said than done, but adding a few of these tips into your life will help so much I promise! Let me know on Instagram how it’s going! @shanis_walter 

Teaching our sons 

I have four children, three girls one boy. One thing I believe in, is teaching my son how to do things other than the normal “manly” things his dad enjoys teaching him. 

The other night I had him stay in the kitchen with me and taught him how to cook. He loved it! He loved learning and helping me. After doing this I thought to myself “why haven’t I taught him this yet!?” My girls can bake or cook anyone under the table. So I decided to make a list of things I want him to learn and know how to do. One day his future wife will thank me. 

1. How to cook not just basic meals but meals that a woman will one day be impressed with. The other night I taught him to make Parmesan crusted chicken ontop of bow tie pasta with a homemade Alfredo sauce. He was so proud of himself he asked me to take a picture and send it to grandma! So of course I did! Even though I managed the stove we still told everyone that grey cooked the meal. His face lit up when everyone said how good it was! 

2. The basics of laundry! I want him to know why we separate, when we use hot and cold water, fabric softener, and what to dry and what not to dry. My husband lacks in this department so I refuse to let my son. Lol 

3. Using a sewing machine. I love my sewing machine it has saved my butt so many times. Learning to sew a hole could come in handy someday! Along with this I will teach him how to thread the needle, and thread the bobin. What’s the point of learning the basics of a sewing machine if you can’t set it up. I never knew how to do this until recently when I taught myself on YouTube. Now I’m a pro! 

4. How to make a bed properly. I always make the bed a certain way, my husband on the other hand not so much. Granted he tries but I’m a little ocd. So I want to teach grey how to make a bed look nice. 

These are only four little things, but learning these things and how to do them in different ways is something every man or woman should know. Along with knowing how to build things, fix things, and what football team to cheer for. I feel like he should also know how to cook, organize, and do some laundry. that makes him sound like a slave, but That’s not what I’m trying to do her. I’m giving him some mom time he normally doesn’t get during these chores, and teaching him valuable life traits and tricks I had to learn on my own. 

I look forward to teaching him these things and watching him grow from it. He’s such an amazing little boy these things will just add to him greatness! 

Lemonade stand season 

although we live in Florida and all year is lemonade stand season, pretty much everywhere now is in full blown summer. With summers that means garage sales, people out jogging, walking, biking ect. So a perfect lemonade stand time. Our home is farther back and zero to a few cars come down our street, so when our neighbors were having a garage sale the kids instantly wanted to do a lemonade stand. Why not right!?! 

I took them to the store the night before and  they picked out there sign, lemonade, and cups. 

The next morning they woke up and instantly started getting things ready. Within a few minutes they had there stand up and ready to make a dollar. My husband and I gave the kids change just incase someone needed change back. They endedup selling there lemonade for .50 a cup. 

Here are a few things I learned with kids and lemonade stands. (Note I sat in the air conditioned house and watched from the front window)

1. They are smarter than you think. Mackenna my oldest is my money hungry child. She realized the money they made was going to be split three ways so even tho the sign said 50 cents shed walk the lemonade to them and say politely “that will be a dollar” what person is going to argue over .50 to a small child. No one in my neighborhood that’s for sure. So they doubled their profit. 

2. They are stingy with lemonade. After watching them con 1.00 out of people I noticed their glasses weren’t even filling the glasses up half way. So I had to go out there and correct it. They then told me ” I was cutting into their profit” 

3. They don’t trust us with their money. After seeing a lot of cars drive by We went out to check on them. I asked if I could take some of the dollars into the house to be safe. Well the world ended and they thought I was going to STEAL their money! Wth! 

4. They give up easy. After they got a few 5.00 bills they thought they were millionaires and wanted to quit. 

5. They are hustlers. When people drove up and asked to fill their McDonald’s cup with lemonade mackenna told them it would cost them 3.00. After the lady agreed and drove off mackenna turned around and said “that lady’s and gentlemen is how you make money!” 

5. They instantly had to spend their money. As soon as they made their profit (55.00 for only a couple hours being out there) we split it three ways and gave the baby a dollar (she gave up five mins into it) the kids were so excited and wanted to go to the dollar store to spend it and the did just that. 

The kids loved doing this and I’m sure will have plenty more this fall! But next time I think I’m going to actually make them a real stand. Stay tuned for that!